“The Heartwarming Tale of Two Canine Companions: Deaf and Blind Dogs Rescued from Kennels Create an Unshakeable Connection”

Krysten Harper is a kind-hearted individual hailing from Alabama, who was able to look past the superficial and developed a profound affection for two Australian shepherds, Little Buddy and Aster Rose. These dogs were born with distinctive obstacles that were the result of breeders’ neglect.

In the world of dogs, breeding without care can have serious consequences, often leading to health problems for innocent puppies. Meet Little Buddy and Aster Rose, two lovable dogs who were born blind and deaf as a result of careless breeding practices. Despite their disabilities, they both have an amazing spirit.
Little Buddy and Aster Rose may look like twins, but they are not related by blood. They were brought together by their adoptive mother, Krysten Harper, who made sure they found each other. Krysten is a devoted animal lover and at 30 years old, she orchestrated a heartwarming adoption that has bonded them together forever.
Krysten said, “I wouldn’t change a single thing about them.” Her words show the unconditional love and acceptance she has for her furry friends.

Three years ago, Krysten’s life took a new turn when she came across Little Buddy, a small Australian shepherd who was living in a rescue facility. Due to being confined for two years, Little Buddy had developed arthritis in his hind legs. Krysten took Little Buddy into her home and began a journey of taking care of him and giving him the unique attention he required. Little Buddy often faced discomfort at night and would wake up in pain, but Krysten found peace in his company, saying, “He was the most delightful young man I had ever met. We share a special bond.” Through this experience, Krysten has learned a lot about caring for a dog with different needs.

Krysten had already welcomed a deaf dog into her life before Little Buddy came along. However, she was recently drawn to adopt Aster Rose, an Australian shepherd who is only three months old. Despite being blind, Aster exudes confidence and a strong desire to connect with both humans and other animals. Her behavior reflects the understanding that companionship is essential for every living being.

Aster Rose’s blindness does not hold her back. She expertly navigates her surroundings and enjoys basking in the warm sun. Her natural sense of direction guides her through life. Nonetheless, living without sight or hearing can be difficult. Teaching Aster to climb stairs, which may seem simple, is a major challenge for a young puppy with these disabilities. Krysten communicates with her furry friend through touch, using gentle taps and reassuring gestures to convey meaning.

Krysten is not only a loving pet owner, but also a passionate supporter of ethical breeding and educating others about dogs with disabilities. Her Instagram account is a platform to share the inspiring story of Little Buddy and Aster Rose. Krysten challenges stereotypes and celebrates Aster’s exuberance, proving that blind or deaf dogs are just as capable of leading fulfilling lives as any other dog. She believes that feeling sorry for these dogs only reinforces the mistaken belief that they are inferior, when in reality, they are exceptional.

Krysten was told by the person who rescued Little Buddy not to treat him any differently from other dogs. She took this advice to heart and created an environment where Little Buddy and Aster Rose could thrive together. Their connection is a testament to their resilience and the power of love and acceptance. Krysten’s experience teaches us that dogs with disabilities can live fulfilling lives, bringing joy and inspiration to those around them.

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